Storytelling & ME
The Art of Storytelling assists in identifying the empowerment which exists within you through the art and craft of writing as you:
Confidently express your passions and purpose.
Recognize your inspirations and how your legacy encourages others.
Break free from ‘topic-traps and writer’s block’; Learn pre-writing techniques and explore your topic
Learn how to create your own storyline.
Learn about genre and which one best suits your purpose.
Learn how to begin and where to end.
Getting organized and finding tools that work best for you.
Learn the rules of writing and how to break them to create style and rhythm
Write, fine-tune and finalize a 2500 word essay.
. . . And so much more, it’s all for you to tell.

Legacy Of The Lotus Calendar
Spring Session 2015/2016
Courses Start : Tuesday, April 5, 2016
8:30pm EST - 10pm EST
Course Ends: Tuesday, May 24th 2016
8:30pm EST - 10pm EST
Want a course list mailed to you about up and coming events?

The Emerald Lotus: A Legacy of Love
Our legacy isn’t just what we have earned that our loved ones can carry forward. Our legacy is more about what we have learned that can carry our loved ones forward. As parents we tell our children stories wrapped in moral standards and values. Our words captivate their imagination as we seek to fill them with knowledge, understanding and wisdom that will guide them when we are no longer able.
… Is your legacy perhaps filled with love, encouragement and purpose?
Writing our story is Liberating! Once written, we begin to understand how unique we truly are in this world and how our uniqueness is what makes this world such a wonderful place to live in. Being the author of our lives reveals the gifts and inspiration that already lie within us. The recollection and recounting of our experiences fill our audience with inspiration and wisdom. Serving to encourage and motivate, our words fill the minds and hearts of our readers. They become persuaded, perhaps even compelled to follow their own passions, dreams and purpose.
This sharing of our story is our legacy
Adrienne Santana

The Emerald Lotus: A Legacy of Love
CO-AUTHOR VALUE (Book Project)
A platform to share your stories of challenge and triumph, courage and tenacity, inspiration and wisdom and faith filled with love and compassion.
Opportunity to collaborate, network and bond with like-minded people.
Being able to say, "I'm one of the authors of _____" can carry a lot of weight, as it becomes a great business card.
Authors are able to register on Amazon's Author Central allowing them to provide links to websites and blogs, social media and more
Positions each co-author to earn money through personal book sales.
Being published increases future chances of being sponsored by other publishers.
Each Co-Author receives 10 paperback copies of the anthology after the launch.
Builds a more personal and emotional connection with clients which leads to higher conversion rates and repeat sales.
Added exposure on social media in compiler and co-author audiences.
Added visibility through book purchases on Amazon.
Raise brand/business awareness through added visibility and promotion.
Positive PR raises awareness of co-author’s organization, business or cause as a whole.
The greatest of all is the gift of your legacy to the one’s you love, to be passed down from generation to generation.