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Time to Write

Nike, Inc. got it perfect here didn't they? I find myself returning to this little ad often because so much of what I do takes the willingess to "Just Do It."

Isn’t time just our own perception of a flow of events, passing from one to another or moment to moment? Do we not have some control over the flow of events in our own life?

Back in the day, before I wanted to know any better, I didn’t think I had even a measure of control over what happened in my life. I never gave thought to the fact that I chose much of what went on from day to day. Waking up in the morning, caring for my son, driving him to school, working and coming home to cook, clean house, pay bills, bathe and finally ‘veg out’ on the sofa in front of the television all with the hopes I would mosey off to bed in time to get five hours of sleep, it all seemed pretty forced to me.

However, I was busy doing what I chose to do. If you had asked me then why I didn’t choose to do things differently I would have gasped in disgust and blurted “How in the world could I ever have time for anything more and to do less would leave my world in ruin”. As if you had to be kidding me and you, my friend, had no idea what it was like to live in my world. In my busy mind I didn't 'want' to do it. It had to be done so I just did it.

Thanks to my heavenly father, I eventually did realize the flow of events in my life were majorly my choice and I was indeed a master of my own misery. Because, today I am able to choose differently each day. This lesson, knowledge and understanding has given me the freedom to choose a much less miserable existence than what I felt I was living back then.

My point, no one can teach us, force us or make time to write for us. This is something we must do on our own. It is a process of determining why we feel there is no time, learning that we do have choices and our choices are made up of a series of needs and wants. Always choosing what we need and want the most.

My time to write is determined by the importance I place on it. Today, I am willing to sacrifice sitting on the sofa and watching my favorite show or reading a book. It is more important than preparing dinner or spending time with friends on the phone or browsing the internet. It is more important than having my grandchildren over, talking to my mom and even more important than jumping in the shower, dressing and making my bed. Right now, this very moment, I have determined, my desire to write outweighs and is worth more than the sacrifices I am making.

Couldn’t I have done this earlier today? Sure, I chose not to. I chose to spend my morning cleaning up last night’s mess, doing a load of laundry, talking on the phone with my favorite aunt. I chose to nurture my connections within a group of entrepreneurs that I belong to. I chose to spend time rising to a challenge within that group and even chose to sit outside and watch the flurries of snowflakes swirling around my home for an entire hour. Are any of those things more important than catching up on a BLOG that is a day overdue? Perhaps, perhaps not. I sure did choose them over forcing myself to sit in this chair and finally write about what it takes to make the “Time to Write”.

Many people have asked me “…but when is THE time to write …?” Or “…but what about inspiration?”

Well, THE time for me happens to be when I find my back-side sitting in the chair to write. Of course, inspiration has a ton to do with writing. However, inspiration comes from with us.

Are there people, places and objects that remind us of that inspiration therefore drawing it to the surface? Sure.

The little pink ribbon I keep with me that reminds me of my granddaughter who in turn reminds me of the inspiration that exists deep inside my heart … well that little ribbon can only bring that inspiration to the surface if I allow it to.

I must be free to be inspired.

My mind, heart, body and spirit cannot be busy with the business of life or that little burst I feel inside will be a fleeting moment and pass quickly with the rest of ‘time’.

Thus, first things first … Time to Write.

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